Voluntary Contributors Social Health Insurance Programme (VCSHIP) is health insurance that is taken up and paid for at the discretion of willing individuals or at the discretion of employers on behalf of employee in organization with less than ten staff.
It is a programme designed for those who are not currently covered by any of the NHIS programmes and for those who may not have been satisfied with the existing healthcare services.
This programme shall provide full or partial coverage for services that are excluded or not fully covered by statutory health system. Premiums in Social Health Insurance are not risk related and access to healthcare by voluntary contributors is always dependent on proof of contribution.
Family members of person voluntarily insured in Nigeria social health insurance scheme are not covered as co-insured.

Membership is voluntary and covers interested individuals, families, employers of establishments with less than ten staff, and actively self employed persons, political office holders at three tiers of governments and retirees not currently covered by any of the NHIS prepaid programmes. It also covers foreigners in Nigeria or persons with temporary residency status and Nigerians in Diaspora.

The programme is financed from contributions made by interested individuals. The contribution rate is actuarially determined to be N15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Naira) only per person, payable once annually or installmentally at least one month in advance and subject to review when necessary.

Enrollees under this programme can register and pay online or visit any of our offices nationwide and be allotted registration number by NHIS.